
Uppload is very easy to localize. For example, if you want to use Uppload in English, simply import en and specify it in the lang parameter of the constructor:

import { Uppload, en } from "uppload";

const profilePicture = new Uppload({
  lang: en

If you want to overwrite some keys, you can do that too:

const lang = en; = "Drag and drop files here";

const profilePicture = new Uppload({ lang });

Similarly, you can add your own language pack:

const nl = {
  errors.response_not_ok: "Error",
  imagesPoweredBy: "Images powered by $1$"
  // ...and so on

const profilePicture = new Uppload({ lang: nl });

As you’ll see in the code sample above, terms such as $1$ (in general, $n$ where n is a number) are replaced by variables in templates using the i18n helper.

Finally, if you’re building your own language pack for Uppload, you can also contribute it to the open-source project. Simply go ahead and create a lang.ts file in the ./src/i18n directory (where lang is the two letter ISO code for the language) using en.ts as the base.

Dynamically changing language

If you want to change the language once the plugin has already initialized or opened, you can use the following:

import { Uppload, en, nl } from "uppload";

const profilePicture = new Uppload({ lang: en });

// When users click on the button, change language to dutch
const button = document.querySelector("button");
if (button)
  button.addEventListener("click", () =>
    profilePicture.updateSettings({ lang: nl })